How to light a campfire with wet wood

How to Easily Start a Fire With Wet Wood After Rain

One of my least favorite camping activities is starting a fire with wet wood. Starting a fire with damp wood isn’t great either.  Starting a fire with wet wood can be a challenging task, but it’s not impossible. Knowing how to do so may come in handy in emergency situations when dry wood is scarce, such as after a…

how to dispose of dirty dishwater while camping

How to Properly Dispose of Dirty Dishwater When Camping

Eating great food while camping is always a good time, but then you need to know how to dispose of dishwater when camping. There’s nothing quite like roasting marshmallows over the fire or cooking up some fireside chili. The problem arises when it’s time to wash dishes in the great outdoors.  We’ll cover some basics,…

best hot drinks for camping

Best Hot Drinks for Camping: Top Picks to Warm Up Your Day

On a chilly camping trip, packing the best hot drinks to enjoy around the campfire can be a game-changer. Firstly, we’ll explore some classic options that are not only delicious, but also practical and easy to prepare in an outdoor setting. From hot chocolate with a twist to a toasty chai latte, prepare to elevate…

bathing a baby while camping

The 4 Easiest Ways to Bathe a Baby While Camping

Kids get dirty while camping, so you’re going to need to know your options for bathing a baby while camping. Camping puts you in some messy situations. From campfire smoke in your hair and skin to muddy puddles and sticky s’mores—the combinations are endless. Things tend to get messier when children are involved, but it’s…

Best foods to eat before and after going hiking

Best Foods to Eat Before, During, and After a Hike with Kids

If you’re going on a hike, it’s always a good idea to figure out the best foods to eat before, during, and after a hike with kids. Hiking is one of our favorite outdoor activities. You get to explore nature, be active, and bond as a family.  A big part of outdoor activities is preparation….

how to avoid ticks while camping

7 Easy Ways to Keep Ticks Away From Your Campsite

The great outdoors is a wonderful place, but it has a few downsides, including pests. Going on so many camping trips has taught my family to ignore many of nature’s creepy crawlies. There’s one pest, however, that can’t be overlooked – ticks.  There are different types of ticks, and not all carry disease. Here in…